Dr Maulana Syed Aqeel Iqbal, a teacher of Islamic jurisprudence and Arabic literature at Darul Uloom Online, comes from the South-Eastern state of Odisha in India. He was born in 1988 in a religious and educated family. His father was Chief Engineer in the Odisha State Government and his mother is currently Principal at an English Medium School. His father was also one of the active members in the Tableegh movement and had traveled to various countries for tableegh. He had a great desire to work for Islam and Muslims but unfortunately he passed away in 2005. After completion of his son’s primary education at Greenfield English Medium School, he admitted him to Jamia Ashraful Uloom, the largest Islamic Seminary in the state of Odisha run by Hazrat Maulana Farooque sb Qasmi. Maulana Aqeel completed his memorization of Quran and Alimiyyat at Jamia Ashraful Uloom and then headed to the most prestigious and oldest Islamic University in India, the famous Darul Uloom Deoband to complete his graduation in Hadeeth and Islamic Studies. After completing his graduation he got admission for Masters in Arabic literature at Aligarh Muslim University, one of the oldest central universities in the subcontinent. He completed his Masters with distinction and qualified the National Eligibility Test for lectureship and the Junior Research fellowship held by the Central Government of India. He was also awarded with the Maulana Azad National fellowship by the University Grants Commission. After Masters, he opted for research and got admitted in PhD. His thesis was a critical study on Egyptian Arabic Humor literature under the supervision of Prof Masud Anwar sb. He completed his PhD in 2015 and headed to Dubai, UAE. He was associated with the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Dubai and worked as Operations Supervisor in the Immigration Department. During his stay in Dubai, He continued his passion for education and completed MBA in leadership management. He stayed in Dubai for 4 years and moved back to India in December 2019 after getting an opportunity at Thomson Reuters, a multinational company, working in the field of Finance and Media. He is currently working at Thomson Reuters as Arabic Language Specialist in the Financial Media Department. Apart from his work, he is associated with Darul Uloom Online and teaching Islamic jurisprudence and Arabic literature. He loves reading and writing articles and has worked with Dr Yasir Nadeem sb on AlQamoos ulAsri, a bilingual English, Arabic and Urdu dictionary. He has also written various articles for national and international magazines. He hopes and strives to work for the betterment of Islamic Education and advancement of Muslims in his life. May Allah give him taufeeq and ability to work for the entire ummah. Aameen