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Mufti Dr. Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi is the Founder & Director of Darul Uloom Online. He is also the deputy editor of the monthly Urdu magazine, Tarjuman-e-Deoband. He graduated from Darul Uloom Deoband in the year 2001. He also completed a one year course in the Arabic Language and Literature in 2002, and followed that with a one year Ifta (Legal Verdicts) course in 2003. In 2004, he moved to the United States of America (USA) to earn a postgraduate degree in Arabic literature in 2005. In 2012, he completed his Ph.D. at the International Islamic University, Malaysia and his area of specialization was the Prophetic Sciences.

Experience Summary  

Dr. ‏Mufti Yasir Nadeem is a well-known Islamic scholar in the United States and many parts of the world. He has vast experience in teaching of Islamic studies. His area of interest is Hadith and the principles of Hadith. He has been attending National and international seminars on Islamic themes and topics. At the age of 20, he authored a best seller in Urdu on Globalization and Islam. He is fluent in Arabic, English and Urdu.        


  • Ph.D degree in the science of Hadith from the International Islamic University 
  • Masters in Arabic Language and Literature from the American Open University, VA 
  • Ifta (Jurisprudence course from Darul Uloom Deoband India in 2003 
  • Diploma in Arabic language and literature from Darul Uloom Deoband in 2002 
  • Alim course (Graduation) from Darul Uloom Deoband in 2001 with top honors 

 Work Experience

  • Director and founder of Darul Uloom Online (  
  • Professor of Hadith and Fiqh at the Institute of Islamic Education Elgin, IL USA. 
  • Co-Editor of  “Islamic Literature Review” an international journal of Islamic studies   
  • President of “Prophet’s Mission” New Delhi, India.    

Academic Work | Published Books

  • Islam and Globalization in Urdu (Best seller of 2003)  
  • Research on Sharh Uqood Rasmul Mufti in Arabic (Ifta course book) 
  • 5 research papers in Arabic published in “al Daiee” the Arabic journal of Darul Uloom Deoband.  
  • 7 research papers presented in various Fiqhi seminars and conferences 
  • More than 100 articles have been published 
  • “The history of Islamic revival” in Urdu published in 2014  
  • “Al Qamus al Asri” Trilingual dictionary published in 2014  

Unpublished Books  

  • “The Service of Ulama of Deoband in the field of Arabic language and literature” (Arabic) 
  • “TakmilaKashfulNiqaabAmmaYaqooluhu al Tirmidhi: waFilBaab” (Arabic) 
  • “Introduction to Neo-Ilm ul Kalam through Nanutwi’s discourses” (English) 


As a religious scholar and a community leader, He has been invited to various religious programs where he delivered speeches on topics related to Islam.  

Higher Education courses recently taught  

  • Hadith: Sahih Bukhari, Sahih MuslimJame Tirmidhi and comparative Fiqh 
  • Hadith: Sharh Maani al-Athar
  • Ulum al-Hadith: Qawaid fi Ulum al-Hadith
  • Fiqh Hanafi: Mukhtasar al-Quduri, Hidaya 
  • Ulum al-Quran: Manahil al-Irfan

Mufti Yasir is also the author of the bestselling book: Islam and Globalization.