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Dawrah-Fazeelah Program

(Equivalent to Master in Islamic Studies)

Duration: 02 Years
Eligibility: Students must have completed Bachelor in Islamic Studies or equivalent to this program according to the curriculum of Darul Uloom Online.
Teaching Hours: Full time students are expected to attend classes 3 hours per day for five days of a week which is approximately equal to 12-15 hours per week.
 Master in Islamic Studies is of 02 years program and the second year of this program is called Dawrah-Fazeelah year.

Credit Hours: 90

Fee Structure

Registration Fee

Registration Fee is $150.
You may please pay here CLICK HERE

The registration fee is applicable to the new students.

Semester Fee is $669.
You may please pay here CLICK HERE

Note: There are two semesters in an academic year. Darul Uloom Online accepts all major Debit Cards, Credit Cards and Paypal. After fee payment, please send fee payment receipt(s) on

Dawrah Hadith Requirement

The requirements for Dawrah year ensure that our students maintain and retain the highest caliber of Islamic knowledge and morals. Our students will carry their knowledge to benefit the present and future generations. Therefore, we have set the following prerequisites for all the students;

  • Maintain a minimum average of 85 in each of the subjects of previous study.
  • Provide referrals of at least two certified scholars. One referral can be from a teacher at DUO, and one must be from outside the institute.
  • Submit a minimum 800 words essay describing what you have gained and your future goals. What do you hope to accomplish as an Islamic scholar?
  • Students must also demonstrate the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in their daily lives.
  • Assessment Exam.

After passing the prerequisites, students will be interviewed by the DUO panel. The interview will be the final determination in accepting the student for sixth year. Students will be admitted to the Dawrah year after passing all the requirements listed above.

Dawrah Year
HAD 610: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

Begins with an introduction to the study of Imam Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-Bukhari’s famed “Al-Jami’ Al-Musnad As-Sahih Al-Mukhtasar min Umur Rasul Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam wa Sunanihi wa Ayyamihi”. This class has 2 sessions. In the first session, students will cover a detailed explanation and commentary of the entire book, from the Chapter of Revelation (bad’i-al-wahi) to the Chapter of Praiseworthy Qualities (manaqib). Lectures will focus on understanding the meanings of the hadiths as well as all related legal commentary. In the second session, Students will begin the course with the Chapter on the Prophet’s Campaigns (maghazi) and continue until the entire book and its related commentary is completed. In both Bukhari classes, special emphasis is placed on understanding Imam Bukhari’s choice of chapter headings and his oft-repeated statement, “Some people said…”.

Book: Sahīh Bukhari

HAD 620: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

The study of Imam Muslim’s Sahih focuses on the commentary of the chapters on faith (iman) and selected chapters on business and civil law. The introduction of the Sahih, in which Imam Muslim discusses some fundamental principles of hadith criticism, begins the course and discussion of the differences between Imam Muslim’s principles and his contemporaries in the field of hadith is especially emphasized.

Book: Sahīh Muslim

HAD 630: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

The study of Imam Tirmidhi’s famous hadith collection will focus on the jurisprudence of the prophetic narrations. In this course, students will analyze the hadiths to gain a greater understanding of the legal evidences employed by the great jurists of Islam. A comparative study of the opinions of each school of jurisprudence will be accompanied by an in-depth analysis of their evidences and reasons why certain opinions were given preference over others.

Book: Jāmi’ al-Tirmidhī

HAD 640: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

Imam Abu Dawud’s book is unique amongst the large collections of hadith due to its excellent organizational scheme and presentation of juristic evidences. Students will study selected chapters of this book, beginning with the Chapter of Purity, and focus on understanding the method of legal derivation as employed by the jurists to the prophetic narrations.

Book: Sunan Abi Dāwūd

HAD 650: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

The study of Imam Nasa’i’s Sunan emphasizes recognizing the subtle details of hadith chains. While much discussion will include the meanings of the traditions and the legal implications of each hadith, more focus will be given to the nuances of the study of hadith chains and recognizing mistakes in historical transmission as expounded upon by Imam Nasa’i himself.

Book: Sunan an-Nisā’ī

HAD 660: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

This course will cover three books of hadith, namely two editions of Imam Malik’s renowned Muwatta and Imam Ibn Majah’s Sunan. The editions of both Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani and Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi of Malik’s Muwatta will be covered and a comparative study of both editions will be included. In Ibn Majah’s Sunan, students will cover the chapters on faith, knowledge, and the virtues of the Companions.
Book: Sunan Ibn Mājah Muwatta Malik, Muwatta Muhammad

HAD 660: Hadith (Prophetic Traditions)

Considered the best book in the field of mukhtalaf al-hadith (reconciling apparently contradictory narrations), Imam Tahawi’s Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar is an essential study for every student of fiqh and hadith.

Book: Sharh Ma’ani al-Athar